Welcome to the blog!

lolos desserts fudge

Welcome to the Lolo’s Desserts blog! I am over the moon excited to be baking and sharing my passion of all things sweet. Through the blog I plan to share yummy photos, old school grandma recipes, new recipes, failed recipes, entertainment ideas, baking tips and a whole lot of random.  

It’s been a blast baking special treats for clients, everything from 1st birthdays to business meetings to Christmas cookie exchanges. It makes my day to be able to do something I love and see people enjoying my treats! 

I’ve had several people ask me when I started baking and the truth is, I don’t remember a time in life where I didn’t cook or bake. One of my first memories is sitting on our kitchen counter with our family’s famous-to-us yellow mixing bowl, making chocolate chip cookies with my mom. I’ve probably made those chocolate chip cookies a thousand times.  I have embarrassing VHS tapes of my friends and I performing our own cooking shows (Food Network has nothing on us). Our summer activities involved riding our bikes to Hy-Vee to get brownie ingredients. I’ve never had a time where my life didn’t involve cooking or baking. Being able to take several ingredients and end up with something delicious has always been my own little therapy.  Sharing that with others is the best thing in the world!

Along with desserts, I love entertaining and any excuse to throw a party. My mom was either insane or amazing because every year I had a theme birthday party. Hawaiian, punk, backwards, Clue murder mystery, scavenger hunts and 50s diner themes are all over my photo albums. My birthdays were an event. This made me feel so special and developed my love of gathering friends together and creating memories.  

My friends and family are not surprised at my venture into baking. I’m known in my circle to be the one to throw a party and cook way too much food and then reply, “it’s really not that hard.” 

People look at me like I’m crazy. I realized, though, that it’s not hard to me because I LOVE it. I love the planning; the creativity, the variety and the way desserts turn an ordinary moment into something special.  I look forward to sharing all my joy of baking with you!