I'm back!
I have completely neglected Lolo's the last few months, but I'm ready to get back into it. Before I get into my Lolo's plans, I figure I should share what I have been doing while I have not been baking. (I'm having withdrawal and I think Dave and my work friends are too)
It goes a little something like this: worked on our house to get it ready to sell, kept working on the new house we were building, sold the house we put on the market (in 1 day!), packed the house we sold, moved the old house into various parent's garages/basements, moved to my mom's house for a few weeks, moved from my mom's house to the new house and now we are finally settling into the new house. And by settling, I mean we still have several boxes that are left unpacked and I'm pretty sure I have no clue what's in them. Also, can I comment how expensive blinds are? Our neighbors get to watch us watch tv for awhile longer.
Oh, and in the meantime while that was going on...I got pregnant!! Yep, baby girl Nielsen will be arriving in early December. We are so incredibly excited, it is beyond words. Get ready for random recipes that pop up due to weird cravings. Last night I had broccoli and cereal for dinner, things have become weird. Very weird.
So for those keeping score, we moved twice, built one house and made one baby. All while working a full time job. So needless to say, I put poor Lolo on the back burner. But I am ready to get back into it, especially in my new amazing kitchen that I am in LOVE with!!
Now onto my plans for Lolo's Desserts. I realized after I first launched the website, that providing goodies for clients is not feasible with a full time job. My own schedule and the timing for baking ad delivery just weren't working out. I also noticed a huge need for parents who want a fun character type cake for their kiddos birthday parties. I love to bake yummy stuff, but my Dora/Elmo decorating skills are a generous C+ so I found myself turing down several orders.
I asked myself how I want Lolo's to look in my life. My passion is from baking and writing so why not put those two together and make the main focus a blog. I want to share my own recipes, try new recipes and share tips I've learned. I'm going to actually make the desserts you see in those videos on Facebook and Instagram. I LOVE to cook and bake and my main goal is to share that all with you! I would still love to do some dessert catering along the way if it works out with my main job and the new baby, so please don't hesitate to ask.
So enough of the talk and onto the goodies. Check out the new blog post recipe that is so easy and a big hit and let me know what you think!