Copy of Sugar Cookies

This is my most favorite sugar cookie recipe ever! I love it! I am a fan of a sugar cookie that is soft in the middle and crispy on the edges and this one is all of that. Plus it's easy. 

This is originally from my Grandma's recipe, but I thought hers were a little too crunchy (sorry grandma). So I adjusted a couple things and got myself a soft sugar cookie. The title of her recipe card said "The Best Sugar Cookies You Ever Did Snitch." Why is that such a grandma thing to say and put on a recipe card, I love it so much.

I'm still not a pro at decorating, but I'm getting better. I think I figured out this royal icing thing a little more too. It's all about consistency and I used to make mine way too thin. So now I shoot for a toothpaste consistency for outside piping and honey consistency for filling. I watch way too many holiday baking shows. 

Miss Leah is too little still, but I am looking forward to the year when she can pull a stool up to the counter and help decorate her very own sugar cookies. For now she just likes to grab everything and throw it on the floor and say "uh oh!" Which is the cutest thing in the world, but not ideal for baking.

Are you guys in full on baking mode? Only a couple days left until the big day! Follow me over on Facebook and Instagram @lolosdesserts for all the latest holiday creations I'm whipping up. Also, tag #lolosdesserts in any photos of holiday baking you are up to in your house. 



Sugar Cookies
Sugar Cookies
Sugar cookies
Sugar cookies