Raspberry Cupcakes
It's Spring!! Today is the official first day of Spring and I feel like I want to do so many things all at once. Go for a run, spring cleaning, fly a kite, plant a garden. All of it. But in reality, running is few and far between these days, I hate cleaning, I haven't flown a kite in maybe 20 years and I tend to kill any plant I own. But at least the weather makes me feel like doing all those things, right? It may snow next week because Nebraska, but for now I am celebrating feeling springy.
And what better way to celebrate the first day of Spring than with some fresh raspberry cupcakes. Raspberry with a hint of lemon and a light raspberry buttercream frosting. Could any dessert be more perfect for Spring?
Leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite Spring dessert is!
So pretty.