Mozzarella, Basil and Tomato Sandwiches

Apparently this little sandwich was quite the hit when I posted it the other night on my Insta stories. I got so many messages from people asking about it, telling me how good it looked and also asking if they could move in with me. :) I hated to inform those people that nightly dinners at our house aren’t always as pretty and usually involve chicken fingers or pizza. Which I ain’t mad at either though.

I started making this grilled goodness years ago and it’s one of my absolute favorites. Easy to throw together too which helps on those crazy weeknights.I mean, how good does that buttery toasted golden brown goodness look. Plus the crunch of the bread with the ooey goo of the mozzarella. I can’t. ugh, so good.

What do you think, are you into a little mozzarella, basil and tomato sandwich or are you sticking with regular grilled cheese?

Follow me over on Facebook and Instagram @lolosdesserts. Be sure to snap a pic if you make a Lolo’s recipe and tag it with #lolosdesserts. I love to see what you are making!

Mozzarella Basil Tomato Sandwiches
Mozzarella Basil Tomato Sandwiches

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Mozzarella, Basil and Tomato Sandwiches

Lolo's Desserts | September 2019


Loaf of Italian bread, cut into slices (You can use any bread you have around the house)


Mozzarella Cheese, sliced

Roma Tomatoes, sliced

Fresh basil


  1. Heat a pan or skillet to medium/high heat. Butter one side of each slice of bread.

  2. Place buttered side of bread down on skillet. To assemble- place mozzarella slices on top of bread, basil leaves on top of the cheese and tomatoes on top of the basil. Top with the other slice of bread, butter side up.

  3. Cook for about 2-3 minutes until desired golden brownness and then using a spatula, flip entire sandwich over. Cook other side for about 2-3 minutes or until desired golden brownness.

  4. Remove from heat and enjoy!

Mozzarella Basil Tomato Sandwiches
