Halloween Themed Cupcakes
Hello Halloween month! I love this time of year, although my love mostly comes from the weather, the smells and the food. I've never been a big Halloween person, but I've had some pretty good costumes in my day. My all time favorite is when friends and I went as teams from Double Dare. I am probably aging myself, but it's an iconic 80's game show. Okay, maybe iconic to me. I wanted so bad to compete and pick the crap out of the giant nose.
Our costumes consisted of running shorts, t-shirts, bike helmets and knee pads. In a world where a lot of female costumes begin with "slutty", going out in shorts, t-shirts and tennis shoes was incredible. Plus, we were a huge hit. Man, I used to be cool.
Now back to desserts. First off, I do not claim to be an expert decorator. I envy those that can create amazing works of art. But I had to share these ideas because they are easy but look impressive. Lotta bang, little buck. My kind of decorating. My little one isn't old enough yet, but these would be so much fun to get your kids in on too. Easy peasy, I promise.
Try these out and let me know what you think! Also, be sure to snap a photo and tag #lolosdesserts. I love to see what you are baking!
Now I need ideas for what to put an almost 1 year old in for Halloween? Whatcha got?
Cupcake #1- The Mummy
First up, the mummy. I used vanilla buttercream, a pastry bag and the Wilton tip 104. Stripeys zig zagged across, black frosting beady eyes. Impressive? I think so too. I used chocolate cupcakes, but I think any kind would work.
Cupcake #2- The Pumpkin
Super classic and super easy. I used vanilla buttercream again, dyed it orange, pastry bag and Ateco tip 804. You could also use a Ziploc as a pastry bag and just snip off the corner. I set aside a little of the white buttercream to dye green as well. (Wilton tip 3) Swirl the orange, squiggle the green. Then I used a small piece from a pretzel for the stem. These might be my favorite.
Cupcake #3: Vampire
I just love the simpleness to this one but with such drama. I used vanilla buttercream and an off set spatula to put the frosting on. Then take a toothpick dipped into red food coloring for the teeth marks. So cool!!
Remember when I said my Leah was too little to get involved in the decorating? Apparently, she had other ideas. I was taking photos of these bad boys and suddenly I see two little chubby hands come into frame. She was so proud of herself. Her little arms are all the sudden just a little longer.
Cupcake #4: Spiderwebs
A little buttercream with an off set spatula for the frosting. Then, I melted down some chocolate almond bark (any chocolate will do). Let the chocolate cool a little, then pour into a pastry bag or ziploc bag and snip off the corner. Next, free hand spiderwebs onto parchment paper (you can also find some great stencils online), let dry and place on top of the cupcake. Secure the web on top with a little dab of chocolate.
Cupcake 5: Ghost
Last but not least, the ghost. This may be the easiest. Vanilla Buttercream (I made a double batch for all these cupcakes and that was plenty), pastry bag (or Ziploc) and Ateco tip 804. Leave a tiny bit of frosting to dye black and place a couple beady eyes on.