Deviled Eggs

These Deviled Eggs are super special to me. Not only because they are amazing and literally the best deviled eggs I’ve had, but also because they are my Aunt Jackie’s recipe and it happens to be the year anniversary of her passing so it’s a perfect time to share these with everyone. I can honestly say I’d never made these until this past year. It was always just Jackie who made these for every family occasion. I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to make them as good as she did, but I’ll keep on trying because they are so good!

They are super simple, I mean really simple. Like 3 ingredients if you count the egg. But the very important part is the seasoning. It has to be the Morton Season-All. Sorry, no exceptions. No dill, no mustard, no relish, nothing. Just mayo and seasoning.

If you are looking for a really good deviled egg that is perfect for a party or just a great snack at home, then pick yourself up some Morton Season-All and get started.

If you make these, please take a photo and let me know! Tag it with #lolosdesserts. I would love to see Jackie’s Deviled Eggs be shared with other families too. Follow me @lolosdessert over on Instagram and Facebook to find the latest recipes.

Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs

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Deviled Eggs

Lolo's Desserts | April 2020


8 hard boiled eggs (see note below how to make them in the instant pot- my favorite way)

6-8 Tablespoons mayonaise

1/2-1 teaspoon Morton Season All

Paprika to garnish


  1. Remove shell and then cut the egg in half length wise. Remove yolk from the middle and place in a medium size bowl. Set whites aside.

  2. Using a spoon, smash up the yolk until crumbly. Add mayo one Table spoon at a time, stirring after each until you reach the desired consistency.

  3. Add 1/2 teaspoon on Morton Season All, stir again and taste. Add the remaining 1/2 teaspoon and stir again if needed. Careful not to add too much. Stir until all combined.

  4. spoon the yolk mixture into the whites and repeat until all are filled. Sprinkle paprika over top of the eggs if desired.

**Note- To make hard boiled eggs in an Instant Pot place the trivot at the bottom of the pot. Place 10 eggs on top of the trivot. Add 1 cup water to the pot. Set to pressure cook for 9 minutes. Once done, so the quick release and then transfer hot eggs to a bowl or sinkful of cold water.

Deviled Eggs
Deviled Eggs